"If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.”
-Roy Bennett
Everyone has off days, days where we feel a bit lost, alone, confused, and insecure. We are here to remind you that you have meaning, you have a purpose, and you are important. YOU matter. Nobody has a perfect life, you may be surrounded by friends and family that talk as though they have got everything together, but underneath all of those layers there are things that get them down, it may not be as often but we are all only human and with that comes emotions that we can’t always control.
“Your feelings are important and how you express them is up to you, no one else can decide that for you.”
I have always felt deeply connected to the term ‘riding out the storm’ and as cliche as is sounds it resonates. There are going to be days where you feel weighed down by the entire world and in those moments the only thing you can truly do is ride that storm out until it settles, which is when you start picking yourself back up and putting everything back in order.
Your feelings are important and how you express them is up to you, no one else can decide that for you.
When it comes to dealing with emotions one of the most irritating things I have come across is when I have felt at my worst; overwhelmed, distraught, irrational, and just an overall emotional overloaded. People will ask, ‘why do you feel like this?’ ‘what’s making you feel this way?’ When I respond with ‘I don’t know’ they become baffled and start further grilling me. ‘Well you must know’ ‘There has to be a reason you are feeling this way.’
On more counts than I can remember whenever someone has said this to me I physically and mentally have felt myself pulling everything back inside and closing that person and everything/everyone else out.
Let me tell you ladies and gentlemen, YOU DO NOT NEED A REASON TO EXPLAIN HOW YOU FEEL. Our bodies and our brains are full of chemicals that can change how we are feeling in a matter of seconds. So you may not know why you are feeling a certain way but who cares!?! These are YOUR emotions. Every single person feels differently, it doesn’t make you crazy or stupid or an overreacting ditz, it makes you Human.
No matter what is going on in your life, here at kRazy kAtz we want you to feel safe to express yourself. You cannot, will not be judged here, only befriended and given friendly advice to help you better yourself and help you work through any situations that we can. You matter and don’t you ever forget it.
Sending all my love and sparkle your way fellow readers, enjoy the rest of your day and thanks for reading!